Cognitive Function Testing for Mild Cognitive Impairment

Preventative Medicine saves lives and money!

Designed by neuropsychologists to monitor cognitive health over time.

Cognitive Function Testing

“Is it normal to be this forgetful?” People of all ages worry about their mental health from time to time. The "gold standard" is to see a psychologist to conduct a full neuropsychological battery of tests that can cost up to $2,000.  That is a lot to pay for peace of mind.

Healthy Practice Solutions, LLC offers a much more affordable option.  You can be tested for MCI by a physician using our computer-based program for a fraction of the cost of a full neuropsychological evaluation! Another important feature of this test is that it is designed to track changes longitudinally as you continue to take the test over a period of time. This is an important clinical feature because it is not only important to know if your mental faculties are declining faster than other people your age, but also to know how much faster your faculties are declining. 

Mild Cognitive Impairment TestingFortunately, if you are diagnosed with MCI, there are treatments available to stop the progression and REVERSE the loss of cognitive function.  The longitudinal tracking feature of our software is an ideal method to objectively measure your progress as you slowly return to normal cognitive function. Furthermore, regular testing can monitor for any changes in the future, such as vascular function, that may negatively impact your cognitive health.

If you are 50 or over, you should be tested for MCI.  Alzheimer's disease is the 6th leading cause of death in the U.S., ahead of prevalent diseases such as diabetes.  And when you think about all of the time and money you invest in monitoring and managing our physical health, doesn't it make sense to evaluate your cognitive health as well?  Especially since MCI is reversible if caught early.  Loss of cognitive function is a lot like cancer-- the earlier it is diagnosed, the better the outcome. Don't wait - schedule your MCI test today! 


Common Questions about Cognitive Testing

The cognitive testing healthcare consultants at Healthy Practice Solutions answer the most commonly asked questions about cognitive function testing below. Please contact us with any additional questions.

  Why was this test for mild cognitive impairment developed?

Primary care physicians do not routinely screen for Alzheimer’s or other dementia despite the clear benefits of starting treatment early to stop the progression and keeping patients safe if the disease had progressed. This led to the creation of a completely new battery of cognitive function tests capable of detecting signs of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in its earliest stages. 

The importance of early identification of MCI has increased further with the publication of the initial results of the Bredesen Protocol. Dale Bredesen, M.D. developed a new protocol that reversed disease progression in 9 out of 10 patients with MCI, returning them to normal cognitive function. If the patient was not treated before the disease progressed to full blown Alzheimer's or dementia, only 1 out of 2 patients could be returned to normal cognitive function.

  How accurate is the cognitive test?

The accuracy of our computer-based test has been validated in published clinical trials. The test has also been evaluated against the "gold standard", independently performed, full neuropsychological exams by psychologists where it proved to be as accurate at detecting MCI as a specially trained psychologist.  

Unlike other cognitive function tests you may find online, our cognitive tests are scored by trained neuropsychological specialists with graduate degrees.  These specialists create comprehensive, easy to read reports that will clearly show whether your cognitive function is stable or declining over time.  In addition to the objective assessment of your cognitive function, the report discusses positive and negative factors affecting your cognitive health, such as:

  • Level of education
  • Regular exercise
  • Driving history
  • Previous head injuries
  • Solvent exposure
  • Depression
  • Progressive scales for pain medications
  • Alcohol use

Any need for follow up testing will also be indicated in your report.

  What is it like to take the cognitive test?

The cognitive test is a simple, computer-directed test. You’ll listen to the computer’s verbal instructions and touch the corresponding pictures, words and designs on the screen. No computer skills, typing, or use of a mouse is required. Just listen to the question and then indicate your response by touching the screen, just like a matching game. No one watches you take the test or sees your responses to the questions, so there is no need to have anxiety about poor performance. 

  What should I do if the test shows I may have mild cognitive impairment?

Don’t be too concerned based upon the results of a single test. There are many external factors that may have a temporary impact on cognitive function; usually the first step is to repeat the test over a period of time to document consistent levels of impaired cognitive function and watch for further declines in function. If multiple test results indicate cognitive impairment may be present, there are several options for you to consider:

  1. Make an appointment with a neuropsychologist to establish a diagnosis; they can provide additional direction as a medical professional.
  2. Make an appointment with your primary care physician so they can run appropriate tests to try and determine the cause of the cognitive impairment.
    1. Laboratory tests may find causes which are reversible with treatment.
    2. More rigorous treatment of conditions such as depression, diabetes, and other conditions may also improve cognitive function.
    3. Neuroimaging can also be helpful in assessing MCI and dementia and determining the cause. Depending upon the cause, you may develop different symptoms and/or the disease may progress at a different rate, both of which are important to know.
  3. Find a healthcare provider who has been trained to provide The Bredensen Protocol. The Bredensen Protocol provides a comprehensive personalized program designed to improve cognition and reverse the cognitive decline from MCI and early Alzheimer's disease.
Contact the cognitive testing healthcare consultants at Healthy Practice Solutions for more information.